Conversations With A Widow Maker: A Return to Self

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Life’s unscripted wisdom & the value of unplanned experiences

The most remarkable experiences in life are ones we don’t plan for—a belief often reiterated growing up as “Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want”—something I now Know better.  

Experience is what you get when you live life unplanned.  

Experience is a mirror of experience and, therefore, a practice in wholeness.  

Life’s greatest experiences are the ones that are free of desire and ignite a deep-seated passion.

 Experiences don’t have to be bad in order to be remembered. 

In fact, the practice of experiencing positive things allows us to have more memorable, positive experiences.

This is evidence of just some of the work I’ve done—simple sayings that took nothing less than several years to add to my Knowing.

There are stories so precious that I’ve chosen not to describe them for fear of being present too long in a sense of raw vulnerability. I’m rendered verbally catatonic when I imagine how the receiver will disregard something meaningful for me, telling myself to step away from the keyboard so no one gets hurt. With time, I’ve chosen to share more once my feet are planted firmly in my experience. And in that more, I hold a space for hope that someone will relate or be inspired.

This is a story about a horse named Widow Maker.

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